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Atlanta Fire vs Ft. Lauderdale Lions, Match 137 - Live Cricket Score

Minor League Cricket, 2023 | 26 Sep 2023, Tue, 12:00 AM IST | Prairie View Cricket Complex 6, Prairie View



157/8 (20 ov)



148/7 (20 ov)

ResultAtlanta Fire won by 9 runs.

Atlantic Conference: Eastern Division

Team Form
1The PhiladelphiansPLP106202140.773
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 505 Aug 202305 AugPLP won by 5 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 1207 Aug 202307 AugMatch Abandoned Due to Rain
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 2918 Aug 202318 AugPLP won by 29 runs.
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 3619 Aug 202319 AugPLP won by 13 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 8702 Sep 202302 SepPLP won by 8 wickets
New England EaglesNEEMatch 7602 Sep 202302 SepThe Philadelphians won by 19 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 11110 Sep 202310 SepMatch Abandoned due to rain
New England EaglesNEEMatch 11211 Sep 202311 SepNEE won by 8 wickets
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 11716 Sep 202316 SepPLP won by 6 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 13017 Sep 202317 SepNJSC won by 7 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 14127 Sep 202327 SepNJSC won by 9 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 14328 Sep 202328 SepAFI won by 4 wickets
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 14929 Sep 202329 SepATL won by 1 runs.
2New Jersey StallionsNJS106400120.474
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 104 Aug 202304 AugMAY won by 6 wickets
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 505 Aug 202305 AugPLP won by 5 wickets
New England EaglesNEEMatch 2613 Aug 202313 AugNJS won by 13 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 2814 Aug 202314 AugNJS won by 4 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 3219 Aug 202319 AugNJS won by 5 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 3820 Aug 202320 AugNJSC won by 8 runs.
New England EaglesNEEMatch 4826 Aug 202326 AugNJS won by 5 wickets
Empire State TitansESTMatch 5227 Aug 202327 AugNJS won by 46 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 11716 Sep 202316 SepPLP won by 6 wickets
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 12317 Sep 202317 SepNJS won by 34 runs.
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 13323 Sep 202323 SepNJSC tied with NJS (NJSC win Super Over by 2 wickets)
3New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJS105401110.299
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 906 Aug 202306 AugNJSC won by 51 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 1207 Aug 202307 AugMatch Abandoned Due to Rain
New England EaglesNEEMatch 1712 Aug 202312 AugNEE won by 43 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 2113 Aug 202313 AugEmpire State Titans won by 4 wickets (D/L method)
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 3219 Aug 202319 AugNJS won by 5 wickets
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 3820 Aug 202320 AugNJSC won by 8 runs.
New England EaglesNEEMatch 4425 Aug 202325 AugNEE won by 3 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 4626 Aug 202326 AugNJSC won by 9 runs.
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 11516 Sep 202316 SepNJSC won by 7 wickets
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 13017 Sep 202317 SepNJSC won by 7 wickets
New England EaglesNEEMatch 13222 Sep 202322 SepNJSC won by 66 runs.
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 13323 Sep 202323 SepNJSC tied with NJS (NJSC win Super Over by 2 wickets)
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 14127 Sep 202327 SepNJSC won by 9 runs.
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 14228 Sep 202328 SepNJSC won by 6 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 14829 Sep 202329 SepNJSC won by 11 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUFinal02 Oct 202302 OctDMU won by 44 runs.
4New England EaglesNEE10540111-1.092
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 1712 Aug 202312 AugNEE won by 43 runs.
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 2613 Aug 202313 AugNJS won by 13 runs.
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 4425 Aug 202325 AugNEE won by 3 runs.
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 4826 Aug 202326 AugNJS won by 5 wickets
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 7602 Sep 202302 SepThe Philadelphians won by 19 runs.
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 8003 Sep 202303 SepMAY won by 6 wickets
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 11110 Sep 202310 SepMatch abandoned without a ball bowled
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 11211 Sep 202311 SepNEE won by 8 wickets
Empire State TitansESTMatch 12717 Sep 202317 SepMatch start delay
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 13222 Sep 202322 SepNJSC won by 66 runs.
5Empire State TitansEST1036017-1.679
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 2113 Aug 202313 AugEmpire State Titans won by 4 wickets (D/L method)
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 2814 Aug 202314 AugNJS won by 4 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 4626 Aug 202326 AugNJSC won by 9 runs.
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 5227 Aug 202327 AugNJS won by 46 runs.
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 7101 Sep 202301 SepEST won by 45 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 8702 Sep 202302 SepPLP won by 8 wickets
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 10609 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abandoned
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 11110 Sep 202310 SepMatch Abandoned due to rain
New England EaglesNEEMatch 12717 Sep 202317 SepMatch start delay
6Manhattan YorkersMAY1027015-1.269
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 104 Aug 202304 AugMAY won by 6 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 906 Aug 202306 AugNJSC won by 51 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 2918 Aug 202318 AugPLP won by 29 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 3619 Aug 202319 AugPLP won by 13 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 7101 Sep 202301 SepEST won by 45 runs.
New England EaglesNEEMatch 8003 Sep 202303 SepMAY won by 6 wickets
Empire State TitansESTMatch 10609 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abandoned
New England EaglesNEEMatch 11110 Sep 202310 SepMatch abandoned without a ball bowled
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 11516 Sep 202316 SepNJSC won by 7 wickets
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 12317 Sep 202317 SepNJS won by 34 runs.

Atlantic Conference: Southern Division

Team Form
1Atlanta LightningATL107102161.680
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 3719 Aug 202319 AugATL won by 27 runs.
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 4220 Aug 202320 AugFLL won by 12 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 5926 Aug 202326 AugATL won by 4 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 5327 Aug 202327 AugATL won by 14 runs.
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 6501 Sep 202301 SepATL won by 98 runs.
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 9604 Sep 202304 SepATL won by 31 runs.
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 10909 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abondoned
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 10910 Sep 202310 SepMatch Abandoned
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 14027 Sep 202327 SepAFI won by 4 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 14228 Sep 202328 SepNJSC won by 6 wickets
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 14929 Sep 202329 SepATL won by 1 runs.
2Atlanta RidersATR106301131.271
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 3519 Aug 202319 AugAFI won by 130 runs.
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 3920 Aug 202320 AugAFI won by 6 wickets
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 5926 Aug 202326 AugATL won by 4 wickets
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 5327 Aug 202327 AugATL won by 14 runs.
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 5801 Sep 202301 SepAFI won by 19 runs.
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 7002 Sep 202302 SepAFI won by 3 wickets
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 8503 Sep 202303 SepAFI won by 7 wickets
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 9407 Sep 202307 SepMatch abandoned
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 10108 Sep 202308 SepAFI won by 22 runs.
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 10509 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abandoned
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 13726 Sep 202326 SepAFI won by 9 runs.
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 14027 Sep 202327 SepAFI won by 4 wickets
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 14328 Sep 202328 SepAFI won by 4 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 14829 Sep 202329 SepNJSC won by 11 runs.
3Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLT10530212-0.254
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 3719 Aug 202319 AugATL won by 27 runs.
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 4220 Aug 202320 AugFLL won by 12 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 7002 Sep 202302 SepAFI won by 3 wickets
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 8103 Sep 202303 SepFLL won by 6 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 9407 Sep 202307 SepMatch abandoned
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 12216 Sep 202316 SepMatch abandoned
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 12917 Sep 202317 SepMatch Abandoned Due To Rain
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 13726 Sep 202326 SepAFI won by 9 runs.
4Baltimore RoyalsBAR10450190.425
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 404 Aug 202304 Aug-
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 805 Aug 202305 AugBAR won by 6 wickets
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 406 Aug 202306 AugMOR won by 5 wickets
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 2012 Aug 202312 AugBAR won by 7 wickets
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 2413 Aug 202313 AugBAR won by 76 runs.
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 8103 Sep 202303 SepFLL won by 6 wickets
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 9604 Sep 202304 SepATL won by 31 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 10108 Sep 202308 SepAFI won by 22 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 10509 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abandoned
5Morrisville RaptorsMOR1024048-0.256
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 404 Aug 202304 Aug-
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 805 Aug 202305 AugBAR won by 6 wickets
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 406 Aug 202306 AugMOR won by 5 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 5801 Sep 202301 SepAFI won by 19 runs.
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 7502 Sep 202302 SepMorrisville Raptors won by 6 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 8503 Sep 202303 SepAFI won by 7 wickets
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 9104 Sep 202304 SepOLG won by 9 runs.
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 10909 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abondoned
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 10910 Sep 202310 SepMatch Abandoned
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 12216 Sep 202316 SepMatch abandoned
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 12917 Sep 202317 SepMatch Abandoned Due To Rain
6Orlando GalaxyOrlando Galaxy1019002-2.477
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 2012 Aug 202312 AugBAR won by 7 wickets
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 2413 Aug 202313 AugBAR won by 76 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 3519 Aug 202319 AugAFI won by 130 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 3920 Aug 202320 AugAFI won by 6 wickets
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 6501 Sep 202301 SepATL won by 98 runs.
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 7502 Sep 202302 SepMorrisville Raptors won by 6 wickets
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 9104 Sep 202304 SepOLG won by 9 runs.

Minor League Round

Team Form
1Dallas MustangsDMU108200161.395
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 1411 Aug 202311 AugDMU tied with HOH (DMU win Super Over by 2 wickets)
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 1512 Aug 202312 AugLSA won by 10 runs.
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 6701 Sep 202301 SepDMU won by 58 runs.
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 7202 Sep 202302 SepDMU won by 68 runs.
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepCHK won by 7 wickets
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 9304 Sep 202304 SepDMU won by 47 runs.
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 10709 Sep 202309 SepDMU won by 8 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 10810 Sep 202310 SepDMU won by 41 runs.
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 11416 Sep 202316 SepDMU won by 43 runs.
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 11917 Sep 202317 SepDMU won by 5 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 13827 Sep 202327 SepDMU won by 72 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 14428 Sep 202328 SepDallas Mustangs won by 5 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 14729 Sep 202329 SepDMU won by 52 runs.
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSFinal02 Oct 202302 OctDMU won by 44 runs.
2Michigan Cricket StarsMCS106301130.986
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 1812 Aug 202312 AugMCS won by 24 runs.
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 2313 Aug 202313 AugSLA won by 6 wickets
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 3118 Aug 202318 AugMCS won by 110 runs.
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 3319 Aug 202319 AugMCS won by 7 wickets
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 6601 Sep 202301 SepDGI won by 9 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 7702 Sep 202302 SepMichigan Cricket Stars won by 6 wickets
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepMCS won by 50 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 9304 Sep 202304 SepDMU won by 47 runs.
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 11816 Sep 202316 SepMCS won by 38 runs.
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 12417 Sep 202317 SepMatch abandoned due to rain
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 13625 Sep 202325 SepLSA won by 7 wickets
3Lone Star AthleticsLSA105401110.184
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 1512 Aug 202312 AugLSA won by 10 runs.
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 2213 Aug 202313 AugLSA won by 28 runs.
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 3018 Aug 202318 AugMatch Abandoned
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 6201 Sep 202301 SepLSA won by 8 wickets
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 7702 Sep 202302 SepMichigan Cricket Stars won by 6 wickets
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 8303 Sep 202303 SepLSA won by 23 runs. (D/L method)
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 9704 Sep 202304 SepMatch Abandoned
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 11010 Sep 202310 SepDGI won by 21 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 10810 Sep 202310 SepDMU won by 41 runs.
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 11216 Sep 202316 SepHOH won by 7 runs.
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 12817 Sep 202317 SepLSA won by 8 wickets
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 13524 Sep 202324 SepLSA won by 7 runs.
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 13625 Sep 202325 SepLSA won by 7 wickets
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 13827 Sep 202327 SepDMU won by 72 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 14528 Sep 202328 SepEast Bay Blazers won by 20 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 14629 Sep 202329 SepLSA won by 2 wickets
4Dallas GiantsDGI10540111-0.059
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 1612 Aug 202312 AugHOH won by 8 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 2213 Aug 202313 AugLSA won by 28 runs.
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 6601 Sep 202301 SepDGI won by 9 wickets
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 7302 Sep 202302 SepMatch abandoned
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 8303 Sep 202303 SepDGI won by 7 wickets
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 9204 Sep 202304 SepMatch Abandoned Due To Rain
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 9507 Sep 202307 SepDGI won by 5 wickets
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 10209 Sep 202309 SepDGI won by 4 runs (D/L method)
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 11010 Sep 202310 SepDGI won by 21 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 11416 Sep 202316 SepDMU won by 43 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 11917 Sep 202317 SepDMU won by 5 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 13524 Sep 202324 SepLSA won by 7 runs.
5Chicago KingsmenCHK104303110.368
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 204 Aug 202304 AugCHT won by 5 wickets
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 605 Aug 202305 AugMatch abandoned due to rain
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 4119 Aug 202319 AugCHK won by 6 wickets
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 4320 Aug 202320 AugMatch abandoned due to rain
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 6301 Sep 202301 SepCHK won by 10 runs.
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 7302 Sep 202302 SepMatch abandoned
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepCHK won by 7 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 9704 Sep 202304 SepMatch Abandoned
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 9507 Sep 202307 SepDGI won by 5 wickets
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 11816 Sep 202316 SepMCS won by 38 runs.
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 12417 Sep 202317 SepMatch abandoned due to rain
6Houston HurricanesHOH1046008-0.238
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 1411 Aug 202311 AugDMU tied with HOH (DMU win Super Over by 2 wickets)
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 1612 Aug 202312 AugHOH won by 8 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 3018 Aug 202318 AugMatch Abandoned
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 6301 Sep 202301 SepCHK won by 10 runs.
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 7802 Sep 202302 SepHOH won by 14 runs.
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepMCS won by 50 runs.
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 9804 Sep 202304 SepHOH won by 24 runs.
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 10209 Sep 202309 SepDGI won by 4 runs (D/L method)
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 10709 Sep 202309 SepDMU won by 8 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 11216 Sep 202316 SepHOH won by 7 runs.
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 12817 Sep 202317 SepLSA won by 8 wickets
7St Louis AmericansSLA1027015-1.179
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 1812 Aug 202312 AugMCS won by 24 runs.
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 2313 Aug 202313 AugSLA won by 6 wickets
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 4119 Aug 202319 AugCHK won by 6 wickets
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 4320 Aug 202320 AugMatch abandoned due to rain
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 6701 Sep 202301 SepDMU won by 58 runs.
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 7802 Sep 202302 SepHOH won by 14 runs.
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 8303 Sep 202303 SepLSA won by 23 runs. (D/L method)
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 9204 Sep 202304 SepMatch Abandoned Due To Rain
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 10309 Sep 202309 SepSLA won by 40 runs.
Chicago TigersCHTMatch 10010 Sep 202310 SepCHT won by 25 runs.
8Chicago TigersCHT1027015-1.621
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 204 Aug 202304 AugCHT won by 5 wickets
Chicago KingsmenCHKMatch 605 Aug 202305 AugMatch abandoned due to rain
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 3118 Aug 202318 AugMCS won by 110 runs.
Michigan Cricket StarsMCSMatch 3319 Aug 202319 AugMCS won by 7 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 6201 Sep 202301 SepLSA won by 8 wickets
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 7202 Sep 202302 SepDMU won by 68 runs.
Dallas GiantsDGIMatch 8303 Sep 202303 SepDGI won by 7 wickets
Houston HurricanesHOHMatch 9804 Sep 202304 SepHOH won by 24 runs.
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 10309 Sep 202309 SepSLA won by 40 runs.
St Louis AmericansSLAMatch 10010 Sep 202310 SepCHT won by 25 runs.
9Socal LashingsSOL1100020.550
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 304 Aug 202304 AugSOL won by 11 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 705 Aug 202305 AugEBB won by 7 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 1106 Aug 202306 AugSOL won by 21 runs.
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 4525 Aug 202325 AugSOL won by 5 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 4726 Aug 202326 AugGSG won by 14 runs.
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 5627 Aug 202327 AugGSG won by 4 wickets
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepSET won by 28 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 8404 Sep 202304 SepSOL won by 7 wickets
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 10809 Sep 202309 SepSVS won by 9 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 11010 Sep 202310 SepEBB won by 3 wickets
10Manhattan YorkersMAY1100020.257
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 104 Aug 202304 AugMAY won by 6 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 906 Aug 202306 AugNJSC won by 51 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 2918 Aug 202318 AugPLP won by 29 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 3619 Aug 202319 AugPLP won by 13 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 7101 Sep 202301 SepEST won by 45 runs.
New England EaglesNEEMatch 8003 Sep 202303 SepMAY won by 6 wickets
Empire State TitansESTMatch 10609 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abandoned
New England EaglesNEEMatch 11110 Sep 202310 SepMatch abandoned without a ball bowled
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 11516 Sep 202316 SepNJSC won by 7 wickets
New Jersey StallionsNJSMatch 12317 Sep 202317 SepNJS won by 34 runs.
11Morrisville RaptorsMOR3110130.087
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 404 Aug 202304 Aug-
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 805 Aug 202305 AugBAR won by 6 wickets
Baltimore RoyalsBARMatch 406 Aug 202306 AugMOR won by 5 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 5801 Sep 202301 SepAFI won by 19 runs.
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 7502 Sep 202302 SepMorrisville Raptors won by 6 wickets
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 8503 Sep 202303 SepAFI won by 7 wickets
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 9104 Sep 202304 SepOLG won by 9 runs.
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 10909 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abondoned
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 10910 Sep 202310 SepMatch Abandoned
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 12216 Sep 202316 SepMatch abandoned
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 12917 Sep 202317 SepMatch Abandoned Due To Rain
12Baltimore RoyalsBAR311013-0.087
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 404 Aug 202304 Aug-
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 805 Aug 202305 AugBAR won by 6 wickets
Morrisville RaptorsMORMatch 406 Aug 202306 AugMOR won by 5 wickets
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 2012 Aug 202312 AugBAR won by 7 wickets
Orlando GalaxyOrlando GalaxyMatch 2413 Aug 202313 AugBAR won by 76 runs.
Ft. Lauderdale LionsFLTMatch 8103 Sep 202303 SepFLL won by 6 wickets
Atlanta LightningATLMatch 9604 Sep 202304 SepATL won by 31 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 10108 Sep 202308 SepAFI won by 22 runs.
Atlanta RidersATRMatch 10509 Sep 202309 SepMatch Abandoned
13New Jersey StallionsNJS101000-0.257
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 104 Aug 202304 AugMAY won by 6 wickets
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 505 Aug 202305 AugPLP won by 5 wickets
New England EaglesNEEMatch 2613 Aug 202313 AugNJS won by 13 runs.
Empire State TitansESTMatch 2814 Aug 202314 AugNJS won by 4 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 3219 Aug 202319 AugNJS won by 5 wickets
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 3820 Aug 202320 AugNJSC won by 8 runs.
New England EaglesNEEMatch 4826 Aug 202326 AugNJS won by 5 wickets
Empire State TitansESTMatch 5227 Aug 202327 AugNJS won by 46 runs.
The PhiladelphiansPLPMatch 11716 Sep 202316 SepPLP won by 6 wickets
Manhattan YorkersMAYMatch 12317 Sep 202317 SepNJS won by 34 runs.
New Jersey Somerset CavaliersNJSMatch 13323 Sep 202323 SepNJSC tied with NJS (NJSC win Super Over by 2 wickets)
14San Diego Surf RidersSDR101000-0.550
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 304 Aug 202304 AugSOL won by 11 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 1006 Aug 202306 AugEBB won by 25 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 1307 Aug 202307 AugSVS won by 55 runs.
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 4525 Aug 202325 AugSOL won by 5 wickets
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 6901 Sep 202301 SepSDR won by 6 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 7902 Sep 202302 SepSDR won by 1 runs.
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 9003 Sep 202303 SepGSG won by 5 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 9904 Sep 202304 SepSDR won by 29 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 10409 Sep 202309 SepEBB won by 77 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 10610 Sep 202310 SepSVS won by 5 wickets

Pacific Conference: Western Division

Team Form
1East Bay BlazersEBB98100170.851
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 705 Aug 202305 AugEBB won by 7 runs.
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 1006 Aug 202306 AugEBB won by 25 runs.
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 2713 Aug 202313 AugEBB won by 19 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 5026 Aug 202326 AugSET won by 10 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 5527 Aug 202327 AugEBB won by 4 wickets
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 10409 Sep 202309 SepEBB won by 77 runs.
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 11010 Sep 202310 SepEBB won by 3 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 11315 Sep 202315 SepEBB won by 22 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 11616 Sep 202316 SepEBB won by 5 wickets
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 13118 Sep 202318 SepMatch Abandoned
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 13927 Sep 202327 SepEBB won by 33 runs.
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 14528 Sep 202328 SepEast Bay Blazers won by 20 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 14729 Sep 202329 SepDMU won by 52 runs.
2Silicon Valley StrikersSVS96300130.301
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 1106 Aug 202306 AugSOL won by 21 runs.
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 1307 Aug 202307 AugSVS won by 55 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 1912 Aug 202312 AugSET won by 49 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 2513 Aug 202313 AugSVS won by 3 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 3419 Aug 202319 AugSVS won by 6 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 4020 Aug 202320 AugSVS won by 5 wickets
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 10809 Sep 202309 SepSVS won by 9 wickets
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 10610 Sep 202310 SepSVS won by 5 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 11616 Sep 202316 SepEBB won by 5 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 13118 Sep 202318 SepMatch Abandoned
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 13423 Sep 202323 SepSVS won by 1 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 13927 Sep 202327 SepEBB won by 33 runs.
Dallas MustangsDMUMatch 14428 Sep 202328 SepDallas Mustangs won by 5 wickets
Lone Star AthleticsLSAMatch 14629 Sep 202329 SepLSA won by 2 wickets
3Golden State GrizzliesGSG10460080.090
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 2713 Aug 202313 AugEBB won by 19 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 3419 Aug 202319 AugSVS won by 6 wickets
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 4020 Aug 202320 AugSVS won by 5 wickets
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 4726 Aug 202326 AugGSG won by 14 runs.
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 5627 Aug 202327 AugGSG won by 4 wickets
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 9003 Sep 202303 SepGSG won by 5 wickets
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 9904 Sep 202304 SepSDR won by 29 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 11315 Sep 202315 SepEBB won by 22 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 12016 Sep 202316 SepGSG won by 8 wickets
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 12617 Sep 202317 SepSET won by 8 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 13423 Sep 202323 SepSVS won by 1 wickets
4Seattle ThunderboltsSET1046008-0.011
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 1912 Aug 202312 AugSET won by 49 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 2513 Aug 202313 AugSVS won by 3 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 5026 Aug 202326 AugSET won by 10 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 5527 Aug 202327 AugEBB won by 4 wickets
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 6901 Sep 202301 SepSDR won by 6 runs.
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 7902 Sep 202302 SepSDR won by 1 runs.
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepSET won by 28 runs.
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 8404 Sep 202304 SepSOL won by 7 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 12016 Sep 202316 SepGSG won by 8 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 12617 Sep 202317 SepSET won by 8 runs.
5Socal LashingsSOL1046008-0.370
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 304 Aug 202304 AugSOL won by 11 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 705 Aug 202305 AugEBB won by 7 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 1106 Aug 202306 AugSOL won by 21 runs.
San Diego Surf RidersSDRMatch 4525 Aug 202325 AugSOL won by 5 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 4726 Aug 202326 AugGSG won by 14 runs.
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 5627 Aug 202327 AugGSG won by 4 wickets
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 8203 Sep 202303 SepSET won by 28 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 8404 Sep 202304 SepSOL won by 7 wickets
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 10809 Sep 202309 SepSVS won by 9 wickets
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 11010 Sep 202310 SepEBB won by 3 wickets
6San Diego Surf RidersSDR1037006-0.754
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 304 Aug 202304 AugSOL won by 11 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 1006 Aug 202306 AugEBB won by 25 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 1307 Aug 202307 AugSVS won by 55 runs.
Socal LashingsSOLMatch 4525 Aug 202325 AugSOL won by 5 wickets
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 6901 Sep 202301 SepSDR won by 6 runs.
Seattle ThunderboltsSETMatch 7902 Sep 202302 SepSDR won by 1 runs.
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 9003 Sep 202303 SepGSG won by 5 wickets
Golden State GrizzliesGSGMatch 9904 Sep 202304 SepSDR won by 29 runs.
East Bay BlazersEBBMatch 10409 Sep 202309 SepEBB won by 77 runs.
Silicon Valley StrikersSVSMatch 10610 Sep 202310 SepSVS won by 5 wickets
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