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Vanuatu vs Denmark, Match 24 - Live Cricket Score

ICC Men's CWC Challenge League A, 2022 | 10 Dec 2022, Sat, 7:00 AM IST | UKM-YSD Cricket Oval



292/8 (50 ov)



95/3 (27 ov)

ResultDenmark won by 49 runs (D/L method)


Team Form
DenmarkDENMatch 127 Jul 202227 JulCAN won by 74 runs.
SingaporeSGPMatch 530 Jul 202230 JulCAN won by 6 wickets
MalaysiaMALMatch 631 Jul 202231 JulCAN won by 121 runs.
QatarQATMatch 1103 Aug 202203 AugCAN won by 184 runs.
VanuatuVANMatch 1205 Aug 202205 AugCAN won by 204 runs.
QatarQATMatch 1604 Dec 202204 DecCAN won by 4 wickets
SingaporeSGPMatch 1806 Dec 202206 DecCAN won by 187 runs.
DenmarkDENMatch 2209 Dec 202209 DecCAN won by 7 wickets (D/L method)
VanuatuVANMatch 2612 Dec 202212 DecMatch abandoned due to rain
MalaysiaMALMatch 2813 Dec 202213 DecCAN won by 189 runs.
CanadaCANMatch 127 Jul 202227 JulCAN won by 74 runs.
VanuatuVANMatch 430 Jul 202230 JulDEN won by 127 runs.
QatarQATMatch 731 Jul 202231 JulDEN won by 87 runs.
SingaporeSGPMatch 1003 Aug 202203 AugDEN won by 1 runs.
MalaysiaMALMatch 1305 Aug 202205 AugDEN won by 91 runs.
MalaysiaMALMatch 1704 Dec 202204 DecMAL won by 2 wickets
SingaporeSGPMatch 2107 Dec 202207 DecDEN won by 2 wickets
CanadaCANMatch 2209 Dec 202209 DecCAN won by 7 wickets (D/L method)
VanuatuVANMatch 2410 Dec 202210 DecDEN won by 49 runs (D/L method)
QatarQATMatch 2913 Dec 202213 DecMatch abandoned
QatarQATMatch 228 Jul 202228 JulSGP won by 6 runs. (D/L method)
CanadaCANMatch 530 Jul 202230 JulCAN won by 6 wickets
MalaysiaMALMatch 902 Aug 202202 AugSGP won by 4 wickets
DenmarkDENMatch 1003 Aug 202203 AugDEN won by 1 runs.
VanuatuVANMatch 1506 Aug 202206 AugSGP won by 6 wickets
VanuatuVANMatch 1503 Dec 202203 DecVAN won by 21 runs.
CanadaCANMatch 1806 Dec 202206 DecCAN won by 187 runs.
DenmarkDENMatch 2107 Dec 202207 DecDEN won by 2 wickets
MalaysiaMALMatch 2510 Dec 202210 DecMAL won by 34 runs (D/L method)
QatarQATMatch 2712 Dec 202212 DecQAT won by 17 runs (D/L method)
SingaporeSGPMatch 228 Jul 202228 JulSGP won by 6 runs. (D/L method)
DenmarkDENMatch 731 Jul 202231 JulDEN won by 87 runs.
VanuatuVANMatch 802 Aug 202202 AugQAT won by 96 runs.
CanadaCANMatch 1103 Aug 202203 AugCAN won by 184 runs.
MalaysiaMALMatch 1406 Aug 202206 AugQAT won by 4 runs.
CanadaCANMatch 1604 Dec 202204 DecCAN won by 4 wickets
VanuatuVANMatch 2007 Dec 202207 DecQAT won by 4 wickets
MalaysiaMALMatch 2309 Dec 202209 DecQAT won by 121 runs.
SingaporeSGPMatch 2712 Dec 202212 DecQAT won by 17 runs (D/L method)
DenmarkDENMatch 2913 Dec 202213 DecMatch abandoned
MalaysiaMALMatch 328 Jul 202228 JulVAN won by 2 wickets
DenmarkDENMatch 430 Jul 202230 JulDEN won by 127 runs.
QatarQATMatch 802 Aug 202202 AugQAT won by 96 runs.
CanadaCANMatch 1205 Aug 202205 AugCAN won by 204 runs.
SingaporeSGPMatch 1506 Aug 202206 AugSGP won by 6 wickets
SingaporeSGPMatch 1503 Dec 202203 DecVAN won by 21 runs.
MalaysiaMALMatch 1906 Dec 202206 DecMAL won by 5 wickets
QatarQATMatch 2007 Dec 202207 DecQAT won by 4 wickets
DenmarkDENMatch 2410 Dec 202210 DecDEN won by 49 runs (D/L method)
CanadaCANMatch 2612 Dec 202212 DecMatch abandoned due to rain
VanuatuVANMatch 328 Jul 202228 JulVAN won by 2 wickets
CanadaCANMatch 631 Jul 202231 JulCAN won by 121 runs.
SingaporeSGPMatch 902 Aug 202202 AugSGP won by 4 wickets
DenmarkDENMatch 1305 Aug 202205 AugDEN won by 91 runs.
QatarQATMatch 1406 Aug 202206 AugQAT won by 4 runs.
DenmarkDENMatch 1704 Dec 202204 DecMAL won by 2 wickets
VanuatuVANMatch 1906 Dec 202206 DecMAL won by 5 wickets
QatarQATMatch 2309 Dec 202209 DecQAT won by 121 runs.
SingaporeSGPMatch 2510 Dec 202210 DecMAL won by 34 runs (D/L method)
CanadaCANMatch 2813 Dec 202213 DecCAN won by 189 runs.
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